Update subform dropdown field choices - on load workflow
I have a "Check In" form that has "Contacts" subform and a "Tickets" subform.
When the form is loaded, I want to populate one contact and the number of tickets.
I want the "Contact" field in the "Tickets" subform to have the choice of "Contacts."
Attached is the "on load" workflow:
- // add default contact
- contact = Check_In.Contacts();
- contact.Name.first_name = "Adam";
- rows = Collection();
- rows.insert(contact);
- input.Contacts.insert(rows);
- //add tickets
- t = Check_In.Tickets();
- t.Ticket_field = "11111";
- tickets = Collection();
- tickets.insert(t);
- input.Tickets.insert(tickets);
- //qdd chioces
- choices = input.Contacts.Name.first_name;
- Tickets.Contact:ui.add(choices);
when loading the form, the choices are not updated. Any ideas?