Update Training App

Update Training App

Description: Currently we have an application that is about 90% complete and are only lacking a few functions. The forms and views are already setup, our biggest issue is with scripting. See below: 

Scope of work: 

1. There are a list of courses that are available to be taken by the students. We would like to only show the courses that the students haven't already registered for. Note: Currently we have a custom function that checks for registration and if so, then pops up a dialog saying " You have already registered". However, we would prefer to have the courses not be shown if previously registered. 

2. There is a view that lists all of the available courses. When the custom action is sent it will add the course to the user. However, if we update the courses information it does not carry over to the student. We need a way to keep the information in sync. 

3. The courses are grouped into "tracks". For instance, we could have 15 lighting courses that are under the Electrical course track. We are wanting to ensure that the students are certified in various course tracks. Once they have taken and completed all courses within a track they will be "certified". If any new courses are added to a track, they must complete the new courses within 4 weeks to ensure they don't lose certification.

Note: In your email response, please provide the following: 

- Expected turnaround time (hoping to start immediately) 

- Proposed cost (let me know if you need access to the app) 

The information within the application is proprietary. Do not make a copy of application and use in marketplace.

Budget : $200-300 | Duration : 2-4 Days

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