Upload resume from Zoho Recruit API

Upload resume from Zoho Recruit API

As per API

The file attachment should be base64encoded and send to us. Along with the name of the file in a separate xml node with fieldlabel_filename as below example:
<FL val="Attach resume_filename">components.txt</FL>


Can you please describe Attach resume method?

Should I send base64 encoded contents of resume (e.g waheed.doc)
Should I send base64 encoded path of file?

How can I upload the resume exactly in PHP?

Here is piece of code I am using.

<row no="1">
<FL val="First name">'.$first.'</FL>
<FL val="Last name">'.$last.'</FL>
<FL val="Contact address">'.$address.'</FL>
<FL val="Email ID">'.$email.'</FL>
<FL val="Contact number">'.$contact.'</FL>
<FL val="Created On">'.$date.'</FL>
<FL val="Source">'.$source.'</FL>
<FL val="Expected salary">'.$expectsalary.'</FL>
<FL val="Current salary">'.$cursalary.'</FL>
<FL val="Total work exp (year)">'.$expyear.'</FL>
<FL val="Total work exp (month)">'.$expmonth.'</FL>
<FL val="Current job title">'.$jobtitle.'</FL>
<FL val="Current employer">'.$curemployer.'</FL>
<FL val="Additional Info">'.$info.'</FL>
<FL val="Skill set">'.$skill.'</FL>
<FL val="Resume status">New</FL>'

      $target = $path.$filename ;

     if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target))
            $contents = base64_encode(file_get_contents($target));
     else {
    // echo "<font color='#FFF601' size='+1'>Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.</font>";
<FL val="Attach resume">'.$contents.'</FL>
<FL val="Attach resume_filename">'.$filename.'</FL>';


Posted through CURL call. Record added but WITHOUT attached resume.