Use contact category in Bcc

Use contact category in Bcc


I have about 200 club members. I need to Blind Copy (bcc) emails to them regularly. What is the easiest way to do this?

I've looked at creating groups but have seen that all members of the group needs to confirm the group membership so that is not an option. 

I've also seen Category within Contacts. I've experiemented with this but I cannot find a way to add a Category of contact to the bcc. Within Contacts I've seen you can select all contacts and then press Send Mail, but this only puts the email address in the To section. I need it in Bcc only. I've tried adding the category directly to the Bcc but nothing comes up other than the individual contacts. Just typing in the name of the category doesn't work either. 

I've searched through previous discussions on this and some seem to suggest you can just add a category directly in Bcc by typing the name of it out. But this just doesn't work.

Any ideas please?
