Using Zoho Survey as a Diagnostic Tool

Using Zoho Survey as a Diagnostic Tool

I want to use Zoho Survey for the following scenario:
  • I have three 'topics', each containing three multiple choice questions (answers are a rating from 1 to 7)
  • I want to get a score for each topic (average of the three multiple choice questions)
    eg, Topic 1 average = 10, Topic 2 average =7, Topic 3 average = 15
  • I then want to generate an end screen with customised copy for each Topic based on the score in a range
    eg. Display custom text for Topic 1 if it is in the range 1-5, 6-10, 10-15, etc
  • I would also like to provide an overall summary for the aggregated total score from all the questions
    eg. Total score is in the range a-b display custom text, range is x-y then display different custom text

Is this possible if at all realistic within the constraints of the tool?