Vendor List

Vendor List

I know what I want – just can’t figure out how to do it on Zoho…getting frustrated. I want to create an online database of our preferred vendors. I have put all the data into an Excel spreadsheet with the following columns: Category Company Contact Ph1 (label should be Phone 1) Ph1_type (Label should be Phone 2 Type) Ph2 (label should be Phone 1) Ph2_type (Label should be Phone 2 Type) Source Notes I want to create a data input form where “Category” can be picked from a pull-down list (want to be able to add categories as well, but want the selection to be made from a pull-down list) and the rest of the fields can be entered directly on the form. After the data has been entered, I want to be able to create a report that can be viewed online or printed out. I have a specific format I would like the report to follow and can e-mail a .pdf to whomever I hire to do this. My company uses Google Apps, so I would like it to be accessible to people within our domain. What type of Creator account will I need? Since it is only a single database, can I get away with the free version? Thanks for your help!

Budget : you tell me | Duration : 2 days | Location Preference : United States

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