Video tip # 02: Create dynamic presentations using Show's Gallery of presets

Video tip # 02: Create dynamic presentations using Show's Gallery of presets

Hello everyone, 

We're back with another video tip for you all. In case you missed our previous post in the video tip of the month series, you can find it here

Show's Gallery offers a wide range of pre-designed Themes, Templates, and Slides for your presentations. Each section allows you to select from the available presets and preview the chosen design on the right panel. Pick the category that best suits your purpose. 
Themes help you quickly create presentations without worrying about choosing the right fonts, colors, and backgrounds. All you need to do is fill in content in the placeholders. This helps you save time and effort which otherwise will be required to find the right colors and fonts for your slides. 

Templates allow you to re-use previous presentations within your organization. This helps your team deliver quality work in a short time and improve brand recognition through consistency.  
You no longer have to edit the Master slide every time to include styles and effects in your presentation. Every design under Slides in the Show Gallery has its own set of layouts, fonts, and colors to maintain uniqueness. Select the pattern of your choice and create dynamic, colorful decks. 

Watch this video to find out how you can quickly create presentations using the Gallery option in Show. 

We hope you found this tip useful. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below or email us at
Stay tuned for more useful video tips every month from Zoho Show!