Video Tip #3: Managing Team Member Roles

Video Tip #3: Managing Team Member Roles

Hello everyone, 
We're excited to be back with our video tip of the month. We hope these tips help the WorkDrive community learn more about the various interesting features of your online collaboration software.
Zoho WorkDrive is designed to boost productivity by helping teams work together more efficiently. Be it a cross functional team or a single-discipline team, role-based permissions are critical to the success of your project.
If you think a team member is ready to take a higher level of responsibility than what they've been assigned, you can change their role at any time during the project. Also, if you want a particular team member from a different Team Folder to work only on a certain sub-folder, granular level access permissions can be set. This can help Team Admins manage their growing teams effectively. 

We hope you found this tip useful. If you have more questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below or email us at
Stay tuned for more useful video tips every month from Zoho WorkDrive!