Video Tip #6: Enabling quick access to your favorite documents

Video Tip #6: Enabling quick access to your favorite documents

Hello everyone, 

We're excited to be back with our video tip of the month. We hope these tips help our WorkDrive community understand more about the essential features of your favorite online collaboration software.

Recent Files
Spend your valuable time working with important information instead of hunting for it. The Recent Files tab in WorkDrive's left panel will help you quickly access your recently opened or edited files.

WorkDrive allows you to set your crucial, frequently accessed, files and folders as Favorites. This helps you find these documents in a click, and access them instantly from the Favorites tab. For example, if Adam, a team leader, wants to update his team members' daily sales reports at the end of every working day, he can add these files to Favorites so he can access them easily when he wants.

Shared with Me
WorkDrive's Shared with Me tab automatically displays every file sent to you by your team members. Use filters to locate files shared by a specific member or with a group you are part of.

Watch the video below to see how team leaders like Adam would use these features to make things easy for him:

We hope you found this tip useful. If you have more questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below or email us at

Stay tuned for more useful video tips every month from Zoho WorkDrive!