Video Tip #9: Choose to Suspend or Delete a Team member

Video Tip #9: Choose to Suspend or Delete a Team member

Hi everyone,

We're excited to be back with our video tip of the week. We hope these tips help our WorkDrive community understand more about the essential features of your favorite online collaboration software.

Team Admins in WorkDrive can choose to either suspend a team member for a certain period or delete them permanently from the team. In either case, the members would lose access to the team files immediately.

Let's take a closer look to explain these features and their uses.

Deleting a team member

If someone leaves your company or switches to a different team, the Admins can choose to remove them permanently from their account. This action instantly revokes the deleted team member's access to team files.

While deleting a team member, WorkDrive will let you transfer the person's file ownership to any other member in your team. This way, even though a member of your team is removed, their data will still remain within your team.

The deleted member's WorkDrive user license will be canceled. The admin can either re-use it for a new member, or request a reimbursement for the license.

Suspending a team member

At times, you might need to block an external colleague temporarily or a freelancer to prevent them from accessing your account for a limited period. In that case, you can choose to suspend the specific member from your team.

On suspension, the member will lose access to your team files, while others in your team will still have access to the data created by the suspended member. Admins can then restore the suspended members back to your team when required.

We hope you found this tip useful. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below or email us at

Stay tuned for more useful video tips every month from Zoho WorkDrive!