you think that all your prospects are
greeted in the same way through chat triggers irrespective
of their purpose of visit ? Do
you think that
your potential / privileged customers are getting the same treatment
as any of your
random visitor of your website?
Now we bring you some
nicer way to have more control over your visitor engagement.
of controls
Separate rules can now
be configured for sending the chat invites and assigning the
visitors .
Rules -> Intelligent Triggers + Visitor Routing under 'Automation'
Intelligent Triggers
Rules for sending the
chat triggers/invites
can now be configured
under Intelligent Triggers. Like before we have given the same
set of criteria to set rules for chat triggers. And you need
not always invite them to chat rather you can even make the
visitor's chat window open or glow to bring the
attention over the chat window .
the criteria as 'Number of visits > 0' and the welcome
message could be 'Hey Welcome back !. How May I help you today
this rule would beautifully send the configured message to
repeated customers.
Visitor Routing
The same set of
criteria as intelligent triggers would be seen here and you can
route your potential or targeted customers to the
right s ales rep to avoid the chat getting
transferred between departments. Now the conversation
about the deal would start with a fantastic message from an
excellent rep which gives more personal touch & eventually
the chance
of closing the deal is more now.
Here we are routing
the visitors based on CRM based criteria : Number of open potentials
> 0 are getting routed to senior sales reps to close the deals.
So, the attraction
towards the chat window by using the chat triggers and the deal
closing strategy using the visitor routing can now be controlled
individually to engage the
visitors better.