Visitor History – SalesIQ now gets Visitor Insights

Visitor History – SalesIQ now gets Visitor Insights

Hello all,

We are happy to announce that we have come up with a new module “Visitor History.” The Visitor History helps you to know more about the visitor’s activity on your ​website. You can also assign a score to your website visitors based on their activity.

The visitors visiting your website will be listed in the Visitor ​History section. The Name, Email, Time Spent, Last Visit and the Source can be viewed on the list.

A click on the visitor name in the list will open the Visitor's Information section.

The details available inside the Visitor History are as follows:

Visitor Info

The particular visitor details like Name, Contact Number, State, Country, Lead Score, Opportunity, Visitor Since, and Visitor Behavior are reported in the visitor info section. In the Visitor Behavior the Visits, Pages Visited, Frequency and the Source information are provided. You can also choose a range for which you would like to view the data in the “Visitor Behavior” section.

Interested Pages

The top three pages that are frequently accessed by the visitor and the time spent on the pages is graphically represented in the “Interest” section.

Past Visits

The visits section provides the summary of each visit of the visitor to the website. The following details can be viewed in the Visits section:

  • Landing page
  • Time spent on each visit
  • Day of the visit
  • Number of pages accessed
  • Page where max time spent
  • Source of visit
  • Clicking on More will take you the subsequent actions of the visit

Actions Performed

This section provides the entire actions performed by the website visitor and the actions carried out by the user for the visitor. The below details will be listed:

  • Landing page and time of visit
  • Pages accessed throughout the visit
  • Time spent
  • Chats Initiated /Ended
  • Emails sent
  • Notes added

Lead Score

You can identify the type of visitor based on their Lead score. The higher the lead score in the Visitor history, the higher the probability of closing the deal. You can set various criteria to score your website visitors based on their actions performed on your website and the visitor’s value in the Zoho CRM.

How to set up a lead scoring rule?

Go to Settings --> Lead Scoring set a rule and allocate points for the defined criteria. Based on the rule and the allocated points, the lead score will be calculated for each visitor.

For example:

In the below rule, if the number of visits is more than 5 then add 25 points to the visitor. The allocated 25 points will be added to the Visitor’s Lead score each time after the visitor's 5th visit.

To lower the priority of the inactive visitors, SaleIQ provides an option to reduce the lead score with the period of inactivity.

For example:

If weekly is chosen in the advanced configuration, then the lead score of a visitor who doesn't visit the website for 7 days will be reduced by 25%.


A set of default rules will be available in the Lead Scoring section. You can edit or add more rules to the section.

What is the Opportunity Percent?

SalesIQ intelligently identifies the prospects and assign a percentage value for the deal closing probability. The opportunity calculation is based on the lead score of the visitor. The visitor with the maximum lead score will be given 99.9% and, the visitor with the least lead score will be given 0.01% as opportunity percentage.

Can I create my custom List?

Yes, you can categorize your visitors and generate a list based on your preferences.

How do I create a list?

You can create your  filters to sort the visitors by clicking on the “Create your Own List” option or by selecting the “Create List” option from the settings tab. Two default views namely "All Visitors" and "Returning Visitors" are available to sort your website visitors.

More about Visitor History

  1. You can also mail the visitor at a click from the visitor Info section.
  2. Add important notes about the visitor in the notes section for future follow-up.
  3. To know the visitor's behavior and interest for a period, you can choose a range in the visitor behavior section.
  4. The CRM Info of the customer can also be viewed in the Visitor Info section.
  5. Clicking on the small pop-out icon near the name of the visitor will take you to the Contact/Lead Information page of Zoho CRM.


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      • Elsi