visitorsession not working in Zobot when Deployed

visitorsession not working in Zobot when Deployed

Hello All,

I am a little baffled with the issue I am facing with Zobot. I have developed a Zobot in which I am using visitorsession to store some values and reuse them later. It works great in Zoho Developer environment, we used Deluge scripts option to do the development.

But when I deploy it using embed script on my website, the visitorsession part of the code is returning null. I searched around and found not a single person facing this issue or posting it, I am really surprised its happening only to me. Can someone please suggest what I should do. I have explained what I am facing below:

1. I am storing values like this
storeResponse2 = zoho.salesiq.visitorsession.set(portal_name,{"a":"b"});

2. I am getting the values like this

3. It is working great in Zobot Development environment in the Preview section, but when I go to my website where I put the embed, I am getting null.

4. In both environments, the response I get when I do the set is the same. Its not throwing any error, it is giving me valid response. The response I am getting when I set, in both environments is:

5. But when I do a get, in Zoho environment I get correct value, in production I get null