visitorsession not working on delpoyment - Zobot

visitorsession not working on delpoyment - Zobot

Hello Team,
I have checked everything from the documentation, everything looks fine. I have used this code for a demonstration of the issue of my bot.Code returns Null value when published in production site.

  1. zoho.salesiq.visitorsession.set("screenname",
  2. "name" :"Test",
  3. "email" :"",
  4. "phone" :"9876543210"
  5. });

  1. userName = zoho.salesiq.visitorsession.get("screenname","name").get("name");

Kindly look into all the pictures attached. In picture (bot1), I have previewed my code in SalesIq and the visitor session perfectly returns the variable "Test" and picture (bot2) is the mail I received while running the preview.Everything works fine. But, when I run the bot in production site(My website), the bot returns Null value in the email
picture (bot4).Code returns Null value when published in production site.I have been trying to solve this issue for more than a week. Kindly help me to solve this issue as soon as possible.

Ugendran R