Voice Recorder: Let your visitors send out voice messages!

Voice Recorder: Let your visitors send out voice messages!

Did you know that you can let visitors hitting your site send out voice messages to your operators right away from their audio call windows? Well, this feature of Zoho SalesIQ was primarily introduced to aid at times when:
  • Your operators are quite busy that the calls made by your visitors go unnoticed.
  • Operator hangs up the calls initiated by visitors. As there might be situations in which the operators are busy assisting another visitor over a call or screen sharing session.
  • The issue that the visitor is trying to raise is quite intricate to be explained in a text or two. So you can save yourself and your operators from reading incredibly huge texts.
  • Your operators are quite piled up with tasks. As, it lets them listen up to visitors' woes whenever they could and attend to it then and there.
  • Also, your visitors won't call over and over again to get a hold of your operators thus letting the latter work at their own peace.
Let's see how your operators would benefit out of this feature,

Great isn't it? Then, educate your visitors on how to use this feature right away. And do write to us if you would need further assistance with this. To be notified every time an interesting topic comes up on our wall, click on this link and then on the Follow button that you could find onto your right.


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