Web Clipper Features and Web Clipper Problem

Web Clipper Features and Web Clipper Problem

Zoho Notebooks looks like an amazing product and something I am hoping to be able to use. Are there any new features coming? What are they? Will the web clipper get fixed soon? Is there going to be an option to edit the link cards I am making now?

Notebook has such potential especially with its cross platform and cloud based capabilities. Right now the link cards are just as inadequate as my browser's bookmarks without images, screenshot, tags, and notes. I can easily create 90 link cards for one research project in a weekend and I am unsure if I should continue adding more till there is an upgrade.

Feature Wish List: The ability to add and edit the Smart/Link Cards like the old SpringPad web clipper.

I have been looking for a SpringPad webclipper replacement for several years after they shut down. What I miss about SpringPad was its ability to auto-populate the image/text but still let me change all of it. I could choose which image to display, change the text, add notes, and add tags all in one place. As an example,  SpringPad web clipper is shown 55 seconds into this old YouTube video https://youtu.be/kCjKSpkfX1g.

SpringPad's old web clipper
Evernote's webclipper, didn't work on my mobile when SpringPad closed it's doors. I am reluctant to try them again especially with the space limits and increasing costs. I have high hopes for your Notebook app but it can't even save an image so I can see what I have in a glance.

Web Clipper Problem: Out of 90 links saved with the Smart/Link Card on my Iphone, only one card had an image.

Web Clipper Image Capture Problem
I have the same problem in Chrome. If I pick a screenshot card instead for an easy visual reference, I can't add anything including an URL. If I write the card instead, I have to copy/paste the URL, move an image over, and copy/paste any selected text. That is a big hassle for one bookmark and there is no options for any other types of cards on my Iphone .

Thanks, Shannon

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