web clipper full page option

web clipper full page option

Are there plans to add full page option on the web clipper? (I use Firefox)

Evernote has an option to use a simple/reader clip mode or a full page option.  Zoho Notebook's clipper doesn't have a full page option.  And I don't want the link card, that's pointless IMHO.  The whole point of clipping is to archive it, links go away, and I want what I'm clipping to save permanently and be searchable.

Also the reason I want a full page option is for speed or missing content.  I spend most of my time on technical forums and articles, and my experience is not good with "reader" view on these sites.  The reader view, at times, completely misses any code snippets, images, or comments. Also, its faster than using selected text (which is very helpful, but takes more steps).

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