[Webinar] Learn how to create design documents, manuals, SOPs, and more with Zoho Writer

[Webinar] Learn how to create design documents, manuals, SOPs, and more with Zoho Writer

Hi Zoho Writer users,


We're excited to announce the Zoho Writer webinar for February 2024: Learn how to create design documents, manuals, SOPs, and more with Writer's tools. This webinar will focus on how Zoho Writer can help create complex business documents and insert various elements such as flowcharts, images, and tables of contents.


The webinar will take place on Feb. 8, 2024 at 2 PM IST/GMT/EST.


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We'll discuss (and share a live demo showing) how to:


  • Easily design impactful documents from scratch with concise, error-free content.

  • Insert elements like flowcharts, images, TOC, multiple columns, and tables.

  • Accelerate document creation with quick text, auto-correct with formatting, and more.


We'll show a live demo of all these features as we build a complete document from scratch.


We hope to see you at the webinar!



Team Writer