[Webinar] Win with Analytics: Overcoming 5 critical sales challenges

[Webinar] Win with Analytics: Overcoming 5 critical sales challenges

According to a Harvard Business Review study, companies that excel in sales pipeline management witness a remarkable 28% increase in revenue growth. To clock such accelerated growth rates, sales teams must adopt a comprehensive approach that enables them to focus on all aspects of sales.


Sales analytics is a powerful tool that can help businesses gain a 360° view into their sales with enhanced granularity. Join our upcoming webinar, where we'll discuss sales strategies for overcoming key sales challenges using analytics.


Register now.


Here's a sneak peek into this webinar:

  • De-clog the sales pipeline to drive efficiency.

  • Learn practical techniques to identify sales opportunities.

  • Unlock 360°sales insights and discover how to create more sales time.

  • Participate in live demos on how to harness the potential of sales data.


Also, we've set up multiple time slots to ensure everyone has a chance to attend!

Link: https://zoho.to/gne