Welcome to the Zoho Marketing Plus Community

Welcome to the Zoho Marketing Plus Community

Hello everyone,
We are thrilled to welcome you to the Zoho Marketing Plus Community. Here's a brief introduction to Marketing Plus to get you up to speed and help you understand the importance of our community.

What is Marketing Plus?

Marketing Plus is a unified marketing platform that is built for marketing teams of all sizes to bring together all their marketing activities in a single platform. 

Here are some highlights of Marketing Plus

  • Plan and build effective marketing campaigns: Marketing Plus lets you streamline all your campaigns, assign tasks to team members, track progress, and collaborate effectively from a single platform.
  • Promote your marketing activities across different channels: Marketing Plus comes packed with features that help you spread the message across all channels such as email, SMS, webinars, and social media and reach a wide range of audiences.
  • Automate your marketing operations: Understand the behavior and preferences of your prospects and customers and create marketing journeys to automate various marketing activities that captivate their interest in your business.
  • Analyze the performance of your marketing activities: With various detailed analytics available in Marketing Plus, you can identify the campaign or marketing activities that have the most impact and measure their performance.
  • Bring your team together: Marketing Plus lets you add the people involved in the marketing activity as users. It offers a single place to manage and grant the required access to marketers, allowing them to collaborate and work as one, effectively.

How can the Marketing Plus community help?

The community brings all of us together and acts as a medium for you to discuss various topics, share ideas and suggestions, and ask questions to be answered by Zoho experts and fellow users. Important announcements related to the product such as enhancements and features will also be posted here regularly.