WFH Tip: 25 What is Zia Skills and what are the three ways of answering visitor queries using the platform?

WFH Tip: 25 What is Zia Skills and what are the three ways of answering visitor queries using the platform?


It is a conversational bot building assistant that uses natural language understanding to process and perform skills and actions to respond to visitor questions. Zia skills platform lets you build bots that are capable of more than just merely answering the visitor chat requests. The platform is smart enough to perform operations dynamically, fetch necessary data from SalesIQ and process it to construct contextual answers, and much more. More importantly, Zia skills can be developed and managed on the platform itself. Thus, you don't have to spend an extra penny out of your pocket.

How does it work?

  • Zia skills functions on skills and actions.
  • Inside the Zia skills Developer console, you can define a unique set of actions to respond to visitor questions. 
  • A skill in Zia skills is a collection of actions that you define to the bot to perform for website visitors. An action is a single task that has the ability to perform multiple conversations.

Why should you choose Zia skills? 

If you're someone who cannot spend a lot of time on writing code, then Zia Skills is your go-to platform. It gives you the benefit of using both plain-text questions and code to configure your Zobot. You can insert questions manually or structure the code inside the context handler and execution functions. 

What are the three ways of answering visitor queries using Zia Skills?

1. Direct answering:

Whenever there is a straightforward question from the visitor, probably an FAQ, you can configure your Zia Skills bot to directly answer visitors' questions without any complex actions. For this, you will have to include sample invocations of questions and also feed in the responses that have to be sent out to train your bot.

2. Construct responses by fetching data from SalesIQ:

The bots built using the Zia Skills platform can not only answer visitor questions with the answers that you feed in, they can fetch data from SalesIQ, consolidate it based on the context, and give away a perfect solution based on the logic you script into Zia Skills. For the bot to do so, you can structure the code inside the context handler and execution functions.

3. Perform an action dynamically based on the visitor:

  • These bots can dynamically evaluate appropriate answers based on the context. For instance if you're running a real estate business, you can script Zia Skills to display all the projects that are being managed by you based on the location that the visitor is from.
  • Zia Skills can also be scripted to manage, and push data gathered by it during a conversation into third-party applications, say Zoho CRM for instance.
  • Zia Skills also come with an incredible feature that will let you fetch prime details that visitors give away during a conversation by just defining a simple function. Like all other bot integrations that we've established, Zia Skills can also put up attractive widgets to gather input from visitors during a conversation.

To learn more about this, start building your own Zobot right away.
For more information, check out our Help Documentation.
