What is the purpose of mandatory read article if the user can not find what is mandatory to read?

What is the purpose of mandatory read article if the user can not find what is mandatory to read?

The mandatory read on the company wall works as it should. A user can find the mandatory read posts. But what about articles? In the 'See more/mandatory reads' section, there is an option that excludes articles. I submitted a ticket and made a bug report for this four months ago. I was told that this is not a bug but that it has been designed this way.

What is the purpose of a mandatory read article if the user cannot find what is mandatory to read? How will the user search for 'mandatory reads' if they missed the first notification? The only way for an admin to find the users who have not read the article is to search for the articles one by one. Sorry, but this is not a feature. This is, by all means, a bug or a serious failure, at least."