What's new in December

What's new in December

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year folks!

This festive month, we bring the following features to you:

Exclude tax information of selected categories from your books
(Available for customers in Australia, Europe, and the UK)

You can choose to exclude the tax information of selected categories from your accounting software’s tax reports. To set that up, Navigate to Admin > Settings > Categories. Go to the category for which you would like to make the changes and uncheck the option ‘Allow tax association for this category?

Searching for advance requests becomes easier!

Don’t go through the long list of advance request to see how much cash advance was paid to your employee(s). Use the advanced search to know how much cash has been disbursed already. You can drill down to the amount, date, report name, and even the reference number.

Imported the card statement twice? Don’t worry, just undo the import. 

When you manually upload card statements, it is understandable that you may end up uploading the same statement twice. Instead of deleting all the duplicate feeds, you can undo the last statement import entirely.


Associate tags with credit card expenses (even when you itemize the expense)

Next time, when you are visiting multiple cost centers in a single trip, you can allocate the related credit card expenses to the correct cost centers. Furthermore, you can itemize those expenses and tag the items as well. 

 Features in Beta:
(If you are interested in trying them out, email to support[at]zohoexpense[dot]com, and we'll enable it for you right away! )

Add delegates to your Zoho Expense account 
Currently, the delegates will be able to create expenses for you and submit them on your behalf. Give it a spin and let us know what you think about it.

Forte is available for the Canada edition!

Reimburse your employees online by integrating Zoho Expense with Forte. Learn more