What's new in November

What's new in November

Octobers are always very eventful. With Diwali, Inktober, and Halloween, we become so busy that we don’t realize how the time passed. Even at Zoho Expense, we have been busy to ensure that you get the best of what we do. Here’s what we have for you in November:

New features :

Get your corporate card feeds directly to Zoho Expense.

Using Direct feeds, you now get to fetch your corporate card feeds directly from your Card providers. You don’t have to rely on a middleman (third party service provider) to get them to Zoho Expense. The process becomes much faster and more secure.

To get started, contact your bank’s relationship manager, tell them you are interested in establishing a connection with Zoho Expense. Your bank would get in touch with us and rest assured that it is taken care of. 

Expense accounting becomes effortless with QuickBooks Desktop integration  (for the US edition only)

Time to make expense accounting effortless, with the new Zoho Expense - QuickBooks Desktop integration. Bring in your employees and customers to Zoho Expense and let them record expenses using the expense accounts and Classes from Quickbooks. Once the expense is approved, export them as bills or credit card charges in a few clicks. Learn more about the integration from here. Even better, see it in action during our webinar.

Handle multiple branches in Zoho Expense using Policy Admins.
We have further enhanced the Policies features, enabling you to handle various departments in one account. Each policy will have now have a policy admin, mostly the branch or department head, who can view expense reports submitted by the policy members. Learn more.

Features in Beta
(If you are interested in trying them out, email to support[at]zohoexpense[dot]com, and we'll enable it for you right away! )

Record expenses compliant with the Sunshine Act (for the US edition only)
Pharmaceuticals and medical device manufacturers are in for some good news. Zoho Expense now comes with Sunshine act compliance; which means, you will be able to add the physicians as attendees in your expenses. No need to manually add physicians. Zoho Expense fetches the Physician data directly from the NPI registry, making it easier for you to associate them with an expense.  After you record the expenses, compile an accurate analytical report for each physician using advanced analytics and provide the data to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, making expense reporting transparent and efficient. 

Duplicate expenses? No more
Many times, you might end up recording an expense twice. For instance, you create an expense directly from your bank feeds and accidentally record the same using your receipt auto scan, leading to expense duplication. At Zoho Expense, we make sure that doesn't happen to you. Not anymore.  Using Duplicate detection, if two or more expenses have the same currency, amount, or the date, Zoho Expense will flag them as duplicates. You can choose to mark them as verified, merge, or delete them. If it is a legitimate expense, which happens to have the same date and amount as another expense, you can simply mark them as not duplicate. Learn more 
Business travel becomes simple, organized, and automated
Using Trips, let your employees create trip itineraries and approve them even before the trip takes place. Allocate a budget for each trip that your employee is going to make and provide cash advance if need be. When the trip request is approved, associate all the expenses to the same trip, helping you track all the expenses for the trip in one place. 

Enhancements to the existing features:

1. Users now get to choose how they would like their receipts when downloading the PDF of the report. You can download one receipt per page, four per page, or nine receipts per page.
2. When your employees provide a description in the native language, ensure that the same look understandable in the PDF file, by changing to suitable PDF fonts. Select the font which works well with the language, so that your report PDF conveys everything.
3. Earlier, you were allowed to associate tags with individual expenses or with an expense report on the whole. Now, you can be more specific about the details. Allocate different tags, along with different categories to the same expense by itemizing it.