What's New in Zoho Expense - December 2016

What's New in Zoho Expense - December 2016

What's new in December

In the process of making expense reporting completely effortless, we have enhanced Zoho Expense with a lot of tiny and big features. We'd love for you to try out these features and let us know what you think:

1. Sub Accounts
Sub accounts can help you define and classify multiple smaller accounts under one main account. This can be useful when you have a Food expense category and under that, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. This helps you identify on which category your employees are spending the most amount of money on. 

2. Multiple advance payments for an expense report 
You can now add/associate multiple advance payments for a single expense report. 

3. Report Fields Customization 
Customize what you want/don't want to see in an expense report. Mandate the fields which is necessary for the admin to see and verify. 

4.  Bulk invite user
Now, you don't have to waste time inviting your users one by one. Invite your users in bulk and save time.

5. Custom views
Create custom views in Zoho Expense to a chosen set of expense reports at any given point of time. For example, you can create a unique view for reports with Location: New York City. 

These features can be really useful to you in reducing the complexities involved in expense reporting. We are conducting a webinar on these features on December 15th. 
Join us for the webinar and learn everything you need to know about these features: