What's New in Zoho Inventory - October 2016

What's New in Zoho Inventory - October 2016

Zoho Inventory is evolving as a product and we are constantly bringing in new features and updates while enhancing the existing functionalities. Here's a list of new features & updates for the month of October 2016. Take a look, try it out and share your feedback.

1. Introducing Multi-warehouse Management


We are happy to announce that "Warehouse Management" feature is now live in Zoho Inventory. With this feature, you can effortlessly manage your warehouses, transfer stock between warehouses and manage sales orders and purchase orders relating to all your warehouses from a single place. Here's how it works: 

A. Track inventory based on each warehouse 


Just click on your items/ products and instantly see the stock levels of that product in each of your warehouses.

B. Transfer stock between warehouses 


With this feature, you can quickly record the transfer of stocks between your warehouses and update your teams working in all your warehouses.

C. Create, manage and track sales orders & purchase orders for all the warehouses from a centralized system 


Though your warehouses are far and spread across different locations, Zoho Inventory lets you have complete control over them. You can manage all the business transactions of all your warehouses from a single control point. From sales orders to purchase orders - create, manage and track - wherever and whenever you want.

D. Generate custom reports based on each warehouse.


Now, reports on sales, purchases, revenue and stock are available based on each warehouse.

Use "customize report" option to filter reports based on your warehouses.

2. Send shipment notifications to your customers


Ideally, your shipping carriers send notifications to your customers on delivery status. But sometimes your customers might not receive them and call you several times for delivery information. With Zoho Inventory, you can now send instant notifications to your customers as and when the product gets shipped and when it's delivered. This is available for both online and offline orders. You can also customize the e-mail template and add flavors of your brand.

3. Store multiple addresses for your contacts 


It's common for your customers to have different shipping address and billing address and even multiple shipping and billing addresses. With Zoho Inventory, you can not only store all these addresses of a particular contact but also associate them to either shipping or billing with just a click for the sales order you create.

4. Enabling bulk actions for managing your items/products 


In a business where multiple transactions occur on a daily basis, bulk actions are extremely useful. In the latest update, we've introduced two new bulk actions: 


  • Deleting an item 
  • Marking shipments as delivered/undelivered 


If you're deleting items that already have transactions associated with them, then such items will be marked as "inactive".

Marking shipments as delivered/undelivered are available in both Kanban view and normal view.

5. Item Adjustment by Value

Though you have a perfect system for tracking your inventory based on 'Bills/Invoices' or 'Receives/shipments', sometimes unfortunate events happen in business like damaged or stolen goods. Under such circumstances, you could easily adjust the 'quantity' of such items in Zoho Inventory. Now, you can also adjust these items by 'value' to make the stock levels more accurate. This can be done for individual items as well as bulk items. 

That's all for this month! 

New Feature - Webinar 

If you would like to see these new features in action, please register for our webinar on 13th October 2016 at 9AM PST. 


Your feedback is valuable for us. Please try these exciting new features and write back to us about your experience.

