What's New in Zoho Invoice- April 2017

What's New in Zoho Invoice- April 2017

Here at Zoho Invoice we are always coming up with new features to make invoicing easier for our customers. Check out what's new in Zoho Invoice for the month of April.

Introducing Zoho Finance Plus
We’re happy to announce the launch of Zoho Finance Plus, the most comprehensive suite of cloud-based financial apps for your business.  Read more.

Add Favicon option

With the latest update in Zoho Invoice, users who have set up custom domain can add favicon to their Zoho Invoice web app to further enhance and increase the prominence of their brand. You can do so by going to Settings> Preferences> Branding> General> and uploading the favicon there.


Custom button
If you need to perform an action while viewing an invoice, you can do so by creating a custom button for the particular action and applying it to the invoice.

Say you would like to apply a discount of 10% to selected invoices. Go to Settings> Preferences> Invoices> Custom Buttons and create a script for this button. Give a name for the button and save it. The button will be listen under the More drop down in the invoice details screen. Read more.

You can also define a message to be displayed after the execution of the custom function.

Display total amount in words
You now have the option to display the total amount in words for Invoice, Estimates, Retainer Invoices and Payment receipt templates. To enable this option, go to Settings> Templates> Edit> Total> and the check the option "Show amount in words".

Thank you for taking time to go through the post. More updates coming your way next month. 


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