What's New—Jan 2023

What's New—Jan 2023

Hello everyone,

We spent January working on a lot of under-the-hood improvements and squashing quite a few bugs. The result? Backstage runs a lot more smoothly now. And in the midst of all this, we also rolled out some new features that we're sure you'll like.

So in case you missed them, these are the latest updates from Backstage.

  • When creating sessions, you no longer have to round off your session duration to multiples of five. It can be anything—24, 43, or even 77 minutes.
  • Sort speakers by name or role or filter them by their role or status in the Speakers tab in the Microsite Builder.
  • Country information can now be collected for speakers when they are added to the event. You can also display this information on speaker badges.
  • Exhibitor requests can be exported from the Exhibitor tab in the Microsite Builder. The requests can also be sorted by the date they were sent, the booth category for which they applied, the exhibitor's company, or the status of the request.
  • Upload up to 30 images at once to the event gallery and up to 20MB each.
  • Set up separate versions of the ticket registration form when you have multiple ticket classes. To customize the form, add custom fields in the Ticket information section of the registration form and make them visible only for selected ticket classes. Preview all versions of the form in the Registration form tab inside the Tickets tab.
  • Manage the list of countries shown for the billing address. You can show all countries, hide a few countries from the list, or show only specific countries that you choose.
  • Choose if you would like to send imported attendees a welcome email for the event along with a PDF of the ticket. Set this up before you import them to Backstage.
  • We revamped the custom section picker for the event microsite.
  • Section headers now come with more options to modify their alignment, layout, and fit. You can even choose what elements you want to hide or show and change their arrangement.
  • Speakers can be hidden directly from the Speakers section in the Design tab.
  • Customize the social handles in the microsite footer to either enable attendees to view your event handles or share the event to the respective social media sites.
  • When using Backstage OnAir for streaming sessions, the time that every attendee spends in a session can be viewed in the Summary tab for that specific session.

That's all for the month. Share your thoughts in the comments below or write to us at support@zohobackstage.com if you have any product-related queries.

Happy organzing!