What's New—July 2023

What's New—July 2023

Hello everyone,

At Backstage, we believe it's the small things that make the big picture, and this month's been about just that. Our existing features have undergone quite a few updates and enhancements, and we hope you can see the difference in how much better and more cohesive the overall Backstage experience is.

So here we go with a quick rundown of all that's happened this last month.
  • Now, when you invite guests to your event with a promo code, they can simply click on the link provided in the email to apply the code automatically to their ticket during registration, saving them the need to enter it manually.
  • Share the report of gathered leads directly to exhibitors from the Exhibitors tab in Backstage. To access this option, go to the Exhibitors tab in the Microsite Builder after your event has started, click the Exhibitors tab, and then select the Email leads option for any exhibitor.
  • Display your event's floor plan for exhibitors or event participants to explore by adding it as a section on any page in the microsite.
  • Previously, any Terms and Policies created for events were saved at the portal level. Now you can set up separate Terms and Policies that pertain to a specific event without having to choose the ones you've set up in your portal. Also, when you make updates or select different Terms and Policies to apply to any event, you can choose to notify all participants who've agreed to the previous terms about the change by email.
  • Insert relevant data in the QR code, which is added to event participant badges, by mapping any custom field on the registration form to the code.
  • Improve data collection by defining the minimum character length required for text area fields. Set this up for the respective field when you edit a form.
  • Send customized emails by adding relevant placeholders in purchaser and attendee emails. These placeholders can be generated for form fields found in the registration form. Create a placeholder by adding the field name in between double curly brackets (for example, add {{purchaser_name}} to include the respective purchaser's name). The field name can be found in the Field properties panel, which is displayed when you click on any field in the form.
  • Make check-in smoother by adding QR codes containing attendee and ticket details to emails for easy scanning.
  • The date and time options for scheduling general emails or reminders have been moved. You can now access these options when you click the Save and schedule or Send now buttons in the top-right corner of the email editor.
That's all for July. We'll be back next month with more Backstage news. As always, you can write to us at support@zohobackstage.com with your queries, feedback, and suggestions.

Happy organizing!

Last updated on August 4th 2023.