What's New—March 2023

What's New—March 2023

Hello Backstage users,

We're always looking to improve the Backstage experience, so we've worked on some enhancements to the ticketing and exhibitor features. We've also made a few other general updates as well. We hope that this will help you organize events more efficiently.

So here's all that's happened this last month.

  1. You now have a new option to mark a ticket class as sold out even if it has tickets. To do this, edit a ticket class and select the Mark as sold out option in the Status dropdown. Doing so will automatically reflect this to visitors on the live event microsite as well.
  2. Display ticket availability in each ticket class in the registration pop-up. You can manage this in the Advance Settings tab under Tickets.
  3. Stripe is now included as part of our supported payment gateways for India.
  4. The booth that is assigned to any exhibitor can be changed by editing exhibitor details in the Exhibitors tab.
  5. Link the media element in the Hero section of the microsite to the registration form. Also, choose a ticket class to be automatically selected for the purchaser when the form is opened.
  6. One of the things you could do with buttons on the microsite was that you could link them to any default form in Backstage. Now with the option of creating custom forms, which we released last month, you have the flexibility to also link buttons to the custom forms that you create.
  7. View tax and net sale amounts displayed separately in the Gross Sales card in the Sales Summary tab.
  8. Registration requests that are sent to you for approval can be exported from the Preapproval tab.
  9. When importing attendees, Order IDs and Ticket ID will be automatically generated and don't need to be manually entered.
  10. Filter out data collected through custom fields, which you've added to the registration form when viewing the attendee list. To do this, select the Show custom fields toggle in the Attendees tab in Registrations.
  11. When exporting missed registrations, the following details can also be included: mobile number, billing address.
  12. You can now view responses submitted by signed-in attendees collected through any form on your microsite when viewing the attendee's profile or details in Backstage. To see this, click the Form responses tab in any of the following tabs: Attendee tab and Order summary tab in the Manage Dashboard, and Event check-in tab in the Conduct dashboard. Form responses can also be edited in the same place.
  13. Booth owners who leave the booth must nominate a new owner before they leave. Other options for booth admins are—reinvite booth members and assign another booth member to be the admin. These actions can be done in the Booth Members tab on the microsite.

That's it for this month's product updates. We'd love to know what you think in the comments below. You can always write to us at support@zohobackstage.com for any product-related questions.

Happy organizing!

Last updated on April 26th 2023.