What's New—September 2021

What's New—September 2021

Hello everyone,

Here are the latest updates for the month of September.

Manage cookies with Backstage from the Design tab of the Microsite Builder. Place a cookie consent banner at the bottom of the event microsite. This will inform visitors how cookies are used by the microsite and ask for their acknowledgement.

By default, Backstage will enable basic cookies and non-functional cookies. Basic cookies keep track of user preferences to improve the microsite's performance and boost user experience. Non-functional cookies will be enabled when your event is linked to the Zoho SalesIQ integration. You can use this to track microsite metrics. If you have another cookie policy, you can customize the cookie banner to link to the external page that defines your cookie policy.

Once you set a cookie policy, republish the changes to update the live microsite.

To set a cookie policy: Go to Microsite Builder > Design > Settings > Cookie management


  1. You can now add the same host for multiple tracks in your agenda. Previously, a host could only oversee one track or hall.
  2. We've provided an option to remove hosts from tracks or halls to which they were assigned.
  3. Two new custom sections are out: The first is the Media with text list custom section where you can add multiple pieces of media with their related text. This is similar to the existing Media with text custom section, which only allows one piece of media with text to be added. The second is the Number counter custom section, which is an animated section that you can use to show event statistics.
  4. The Gallery widget custom section is also live and available in the early access phase. Please contact our support team if you would like to try it out.
  5. Emails that are automatically sent to speakers at your event are now available for you to manage or edit. Go to the Manage Dashboard in the Event Console and click the Emails tab. Next, click Automated emails and click Speakers.
  6. We've added OpenSearch description format for event domains. This way, microsite visitors can narrow their search to a specific event domain when using their browser or other similar applications. They can make this setting a default search setting in their browser for easier access to event-related searches.

Visit our help center for more information on the latest features. Also if you have any questions, drop us a line here or at support@zohobackstage.com.

Happy organizing!