What's new — April 2021

What's new — April 2021

Hello everyone,

We spent April working on a couple of under-the-hood improvements and squashing quite a few bugs in order to enhance our existing features for you.

Here's a quick rundown of everything we've done this month.

  1. You can now modify your event's URL at any time—even when there are orders present in your event.
  2. If you have free tickets or those that have a 100% discount, you can hide the billing address fields from the registration form in the Advanced settings tab, which is found in the Tickets tab of the Microsite Builder.
  3. Include a custom checkbox field with links to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy documents to allow people to read and agree to the terms. This can be added to every form.
  4. Attendees can now see session times in their local time zone and also in the event's time zone set by the organizer.
  5. Edit your profile details after starting a session as a host. Depending on the method of sign-in, attendees can also edit their ticket details or profile details after joining the session. Simply click the user avatar in the session window and click Edit profile to do this. Profile details can only be edited when using Backstage OnAir.
  6. We've now got an attendee engagement pane in the session's summary to show how participants have interacted during the session, such as responding to polls or asking questions.
  7. All the reactions received from attendees during the session will be generated after the session ends, which can be viewed in the Summary tab for the session.

Do visit our help center for more information on these latest features. Also, drop us a line here or at support@zohobackstage.com if you have any questions.

Happy organizing!