What's New — May 2021

What's New — May 2021

Hello everyone,
This month we spent time continuing to improve the Backstage experience for you by adding some useful features.
Here are the latest updates for the month of May:

  • You can now upload handouts for your session audience. Handouts can be used to summarize or expand on the topic that the speaker is sharing. Also, they can be downloaded by the audience from the Handouts tab during an ongoing session.
  • Now you can rehearse your session before the day of to ensure that all your materials are in place and everything is working properly. Rehearsals can be done with any speaker from the event along with a test audience whom you can invite beforehand from the Rehearsal tab in the Conduct Dashboard. Starting a rehearsal is done just like a live session but from the Rehearse sessions tab in the Conduct Dashboard.
Visit our help centre for more information on these latest features. Also, drop us a line here or at support@zohobackstage.com if you have any questions.
Happy organizing!