What's new in Zoho Expense - March 2018

What's new in Zoho Expense - March 2018

Hey folks! 

At Zoho Expense, we are constantly rolling out brand new features in order to make your expense reporting effortless. Now let's take a look at the updates we have worked upon in the month of February.

Zoho Expense meets ICICI banking

Long gone are the days when you had to wait to get reimbursed! With the all-new Zoho Expense and ICICI integration, you can reimburse as soon as an expense is approved. Use the ICICI corporate account to reimburse an expense and employees will be able to receive money instantly. Learn more.

Zoho Expense UK integrates with QuickBooks Online

The much anticipated integration of Zoho Expense UK edition
with QuickBooks Online is now up and running. Link up your Zoho Expense with QuickBooks and ensure you don't miss out on accounting for your expenses.

Per Diem days just got more accurate

Keeping a track of your per diem expenses can be tricky, especially if you j ust have to clock-in for a fraction of a day. Fret no more, you can now just record quarter, half and three-quarters of a day in per diem days.

Automatic Edge detection in the Zoho Expense iOS app update

Clicking a snap of your receipt with the unnecessary background can get unprofessional. We've listened to your concerns regarding the aesthetics of the captured receipts and we have come up with an intuitive automatic edge detection feature that can crop your receipts for you.

Along with the automatic edge update, you will also be able to crop and rotate the receipts manually.

Bulk Remove option for Reports 

Removing each and every expense from the reports detail page can be quite a hassle. With the all new bulk remove option, you can select multiple expenses from the reports detail page and remove them then and there. 

Go ahead and try out these new features and let us know in the comments below how it has made your expense reporting seamless.


Stay tuned to be up-to-date with the latest Zoho Expense feature roll outs.