What's New in Zoho Inventory - June 2018

What's New in Zoho Inventory - June 2018

Since the GDPR was coming into effect on 25th May 2018, our primary focus has been on tightening the privacy and security aspects of Zoho Inventory. These enhancements give you the freedom to choose who can or cannot have access to the sensitive information in your organization. Thus, we have provided you a secure platform wherein you can run your business without any fear of data breach. So, let's have a look at the featured releases in the month of May 2018.

1) Restricting Access to Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

As mentioned above, at Zoho, we take the issue of privacy very seriously. For this reason, we have introduced an option under Users and Roles, where you can choose to provide or restrict access to PII for a user in your organization. Learn more.

2) Creating PII-Restricted Custom Fields

Some information that you record, say a customer's Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax ID for instance, is of high sensitivity and the consequences may be catastrophic if it falls into the wrong hands. For this reason, while creating custom fields you can now categorize it as PII or Non-PII based on the level of sensitivity. 

While creating a custom field, you can choose one of the following options: PII and Sensitive, PII but not sensitive and Non-PII. Only the authorized users (users for whom you have provided access to PII) will have access to any PII type field. Read more.

3) Exporting Reports Securely

Though not PII, your trade secrets are invaluable to your competitors. Bearing this in mind, we have introduced password protection for exported reports in Zoho Inventory. This feature is supported in CSV and XLS type exports. Learn more.

4) SKU Generator for Item Groups

Zoho Inventory introduces the SKU Generator for Item Groups. Using the SKU generator, you can create a common SKU pattern and generate meaningful SKUs for all the variants in a particular item group. You can create the pattern with the attributes of your choice or even provide your own custom text.

This feature is extremely useful when your item group has 'N' number of variants for which instead of manually entering each SKU, you can generate it in one go. Read more.

5) Importing the tracking details of your inventory transfers in bulk

On our previous update, we had extended the AfterShip tracking services to transfer orders where you can keep track of the whereabouts of your inventory transfers in real-time.

Now, along with the transfer orders, you can also update its tracking details by importing them in bulk into Zoho Inventory. 

6) Rounding Off the Total Amount in your Sales Transactions
You can now round off the total amount in your sales transactions to the nearest whole number. For example: 99.5 is rounded to 100 and 75.45 is rounded to 75. Learn more.

7) Viewing the Sales Channel Details in the Item Overview Page
If you have mapped an item in Zoho Inventory to an item from a sales channel, the name and SKU of the item as found in the respective sales channels will be displayed in the overview page. This helps you to verify whether you have mapped the correct items, hence, minimizing the possibility of wrong mapping.

8) Decimal Support for Batch Quantity

You can now enter decimal quantity for batches (up to 6 decimal places). 

Let us know which feature you liked the best in the comments. Until next time. 

The Zoho Inventory Team