What's New in Zoho Inventory - September 2018

What's New in Zoho Inventory - September 2018

We are back with a set of nifty new features lined up for you this month. We continuously look to evolve and bring in additional features which not only enhances the product but also ensures a smooth user experience. That said, let's find out what's cooking in Zoho Inventory!
1. Select and Add Items in Bulk

Until now, you were limited to adding only one item at a time to your transactions. To keep up with the fast-paced businesses, we've introduced the 'Add Items in Bulk' option in all transaction creation pages.

This option allows you to add multiple items to your transactions in one go. You can also select the items using barcode scanning.

2. Additional Filters in Report

In our earlier post, we had introduced the 'Item Name' filter in the Inventory Details and the Inventory Valuation Summary reports.  This filter helps minimize the clutter by generating report only for the selected items. In addition to that, you can now filter your reports with two more criteria - by 'Status' and by 'Stock Availability'. These filters will help keep the report simple and readable with only the desired results. 


3. Advanced Search for Contacts in Transactions

We have added an advanced search for contacts in all transactions. The advanced search allows you to look up contacts with other additional information of your clients that you possess, such as their email address, phone number, company name and more.


4. Free Online Tool for SKU Generator

We have launched a free online tool for SKU Generator. Similar to the feature available in the web app, you can generate meaningful SKUs just by entering the name and attributes of the item. You can also export your results in a CSV file with ease.

You can access the free online SKU generator here .

Do try out the features and let us know your feedback in the comments. Until next time.
Zoho Inventory