What's New this April 2018 in Zoho Invoice?

What's New this April 2018 in Zoho Invoice?

Hello Everyone,

We're delighted to let you know that Zoho Invoice is celebrating its 10th successful year! We started this journey in 2008, and we've come a long way! Read our story  here

Well, we've released a bunch of new features this March too! Read on to know more about the updates! 

Run Effective Marketing Campaigns 

A new product in the making? How about email teasers to pique their curiosity? Create a quick email campaign in Zoho Campaigns with the contact details of your customers and vendors in Zoho Invoice! Import contacts in a flash and get started with your campaign! 

Convert Approved and Submitted Transactions to Draft

Let's say your staff had submitted an invoice for approval. The goods are being packed for delivery, and the customer suddenly demands additional supply. Your staff can now quickly check the approval status of your invoice and revert it to the draft status if it is approved or even waiting for your approval. All he has to do is provide a reason when he converts it to a draft and submit it for your approval again! 

Know your taxes with the VAT Summary Report (UAE)

Zoho Invoice lets you generate VAT Summary Reports, which allows you to know the VAT on all your sales and purchases. Not just that, but you can also know the total value of tax due based on your sales too!

View and Compare Transactions with Audit Trails (UAE and KSA)

You can now track even the slightest changes and compare them with the previous versions using Audit Trails. Head to the Reports module, and you will be able to find them under Activity Logs! You no longer have to worry about any change in your transactions as you will know what, when and who made the change to a transaction. 

Export Customer Statements

Export your customer's data for a specific period or a particular date in the XLS format. Add new fields, read data or run formulae to obtain the desired outcome. You can also share them with your customers! 

Android and iOS App Updates 

We've also updated the Zoho Invoice application on the Google Play Store and the App Store. Check out our updates and let us know your feedback! 


That's all for this month folks! Watch this space for more updates, or you can also bookmark our What's new Page and not miss a single update. 


Aashika M
Zoho Cares

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