What's New this April 2020 in Zoho Invoice?

What's New this April 2020 in Zoho Invoice?

Hello, everyone!

We hope you and your family members are safe.

As the world is grappling with the COVID-19 crisis, we at Zoho have taken to working remotely. However, this has not brought any lull to Zoho Invoice's monthly feature updates. We have, as always, been working hard to provide you with a smooth invoicing experience. Read on to know what's new this April.

Fresh design for the invoice details page

The invoice details page has been redesigned to help you perform invoice related actions more efficiently. We've contextually grouped and positioned all the invoice actions at the top of the page, switching the focus to better usability. Here are a few key changes in the new design:
  • The actions that were hidden within the More button (like Share and Reminders) have been brought out and grouped based on their functionality.
  • The PDF & Print options have been coupled into a single drop-down button.
  • The Comments & History section is now available as a sidebar, so you can check the invoice details while adding or reviewing a comment.

Customize the report layout for print and export

Want to add page numbers to a report while printing? Or maybe change the font style before exporting the report to PDF? With this latest update, you can change the report's table size and style, select a font family, set the paper size, choose which details to display, and much more.
This can be done at two levels:
  • Organization Level: To set a standard layout for all reports in your organization, go to Reports > Select Configure Report Layout > Choose your preferences > Click Save.
  • Report Level: To customize the layout for a particular report alone, go to Reports > Select the desired report > Select Print Preference (for printing) or Customize PDF (when exporting to PDF). The layout set here will not be saved and will be applicable only to that single Print or Export action.

Create items with identical names

You can now create multiple items with the same name in Zoho Invoice, provided that they have unique SKUs. This can be useful in cases such as selling the same item with different weights or having different sellers for an item.
Before you enable this option, you need to ensure that:
  • The SKU custom field is active and mandatory, and
  • All your items have an SKU.
To enable this option: Go to Settings > Preferences > Items > General > Mark the option Allow duplicate item names.

Note: If you've enabled this option, your items will be mapped by SKU during import.

Collect payments with Mercado Pago

Zoho Invoice can now be integrated with Mercado Pago, one of the leading digital payment platforms in Latin America. This integration lets you collect payments from your customers safely and securely. Mercado Pago provides multiple payment modes such as debit/credit cards, cash, and red link transfers.

To integrate: Go to Settings > Online Payments > Mercado Pago > Set up Now. Learn More

Note: This integration is available only for users whose business location in Zoho Invoice is Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, or Uruguay.

Apply tax on shipping charges (UK and Global editions)

The UK and Global edition users of Zoho Invoice can now apply a tax on shipping charges. You can add the shipping charge field to your transaction by enabling it under the General Preferences section in Settings.
Note: Your business should be VAT-registered if you want to levy VAT on shipping charges.

Compare the Sales by Customers report by year or period

To check whether a customer's sales have increased or decreased over a period of time, you can now compare the Sales by Customer report with its previous year or period.

To do this: Go to Reports > Sales by Customer > Customize Report > General > Select the desired option for Compare With.

For the full list of updates, you can check the what's new page or release notes. Take these new features for a spin, and share your thoughts in the comments below. You can also write to us at support@zohoinvoice.com if you have any questions or suggestions.

We'll meet again next month with a new set of updates. Hopefully by then, the COVID-19 situation will be under control. Until then, stay safe and take care.

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The Zoho Invoice Team

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