What's New this August 2018 in Zoho Invoice?

What's New this August 2018 in Zoho Invoice?

A new month means feature enhancements and new product updates from Zoho Invoice! Let's look into what's in store for August.

Mail Notifications on Reaching the Workflow Limit

How about knowing your workflow limit and creating workflows accordingly? Wouldn't that be more easier? From now on, you'll be notified via email when you're about to exceed the limit of your workflow count. This email would be sent to the primary email address of the organization.

Additional Filters for Timesheet Entries

We have introduced additional filters on the Timesheet entires display page. All your timesheet entries can now be filtered based on customers and projects! 

Create Retainer Invoices on the Go

Our latest iOS update comes with an exclusive Retainer Invoice module. Now raise retainer invoices from any part of the world. 

Option to Traverse Back to the Estimate from Which an Invoice Was Raised

How about a single click taking you back to that estimate from which the invoice was raised? Isn't that a time saver? We have now provided an option called "View the estimate" on the invoice details page, which when clicked takes you back to the estimate from which the invoice was generated. Similarly, on the Estimate details page, we have an option called "View the invoice" which when clicked redirects you to the generated invoice.

Associate Estimates While Importing Invoices

We have enhanced the import process by providing an option to associate the estimate numbers of the existing estimates with the invoices that are to be imported. This automatically links that particular estimate to that invoice and changes the status to 'Invoiced'.

Spreadsheet Lite Template

We have added a new member to the Spreadsheet Template family called  "Spreadsheet Lite". This is an enhanced version of the "Spreadsheet" and "Spreadsheet Plus" templates.

Option to Add Estimate Number while Exporting Invoices

We have now provided an option to include estimate numbers while exporting invoices. 

New User Roles for GST Filing

We have introduced new user roles which can be associated to users who will be handling GST Filing in your organization. These roles can be customized based on your  requirement. 

That's all for this month! You can also bookmark our What's New page and not miss a single update. Do let us know your feedback in the comments section below.

The Zoho Invoice Team

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