What's New this December 2018 in Zoho Invoice?

What's New this December 2018 in Zoho Invoice?

The last month of 2018 is finally here and we at Zoho Invoice, would like to make it the best one by making your invoicing experience better! Here are the product updates and enhancements that we have for the month of December.

In-App Notifications

When there are multiple users in an organization, each user tends to work on various transactions and the notification would flood the mail box of the owners of those transactions. Also, each time you receive a notification, you will need to switch between the product and the mailbox.

To simplify this process, we have introduced 'In-app notification'. Every time a particular action (which you can define) takes place, you can set up a workflow rule and trigger an in-app notification to update the users in your organization about it.

Additional Signature for Invoice Templates

We have facilitated our templates to support two signatures. From now on, you will be able to add two signatures on your invoices. Currently this option is available in all the templates except Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet Plus and Retail templates . The additional signature will be available only when the primary signature is enabled.

Search for Items Using SKU Codes

From now on, you can search for items using SKU codes on the price list creation page. Just click the magnifying glass icon  next to ITEM DETAILS and type the SKU code to choose the item.

Pre-populated Unit of Measurements

Choose the correct UOM for your products! We have pre-populated a set of Unit of Measurements in the Items module of Zoho Invoice. These UOMs will be available in the newly created organizations.

Enhanced Invoice Details Report

In the Invoice Details report, you can now choose to display the contacts' name, company name, email address and a few other fields related to your contacts. In addition, you can also disable the default fields if you do not want it to be a part of the report.

Choose Your Favourite Custom View

We have provided an option to mark any custom view as your favorite, irrespective of the user who created it. This can be directly chosen from the Filters dropdown list above any transaction.

Enable/Disable Editing of Invoiced Estimates

You can now choose to allow or restrict your users from editing an estimate that has already been invoiced. You can do this in the preferences section in your organization.

Display Custom Fields in Sales by Item Report

We have now provided an option to display custom fields of your items in the Sales By items report. So, from now on, the additional info added to your items can be displayed on reports as well!

That's all for this month! You can also bookmark our What's New page and not miss a single update. Do let us know your feedback in the comments section below.

The Zoho Invoice Team

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