What's New this June 2019 in Zoho Invoice?

What's New this June 2019 in Zoho Invoice?

Hello everyone,

We're back with yet another set of updates and enhancements that makes your invoicing experience easier. Let's take a look at all the changes made to Zoho Invoice for the month of June. 

Get timesheet entries approved by manager
We have  Client Approvals for timesheet entries already, and now we've gone a step further and introduced approvals by project managers as well. Users can submit their logged time entries to their manager for approval. Once the manager approves it, the time entries can either be invoiced or sent to clients for their approval.  Read More

To do this: Go to Settings > Preferences > Projects > Tick the box  Enable Approval for time entries .  

Track the notification emails sent to customers
Want to know if your customers have opened the emails you sent them? You can now track the emails that you sent out regarding invoices, estimates and retainer invoices. With the  Email Insights feature, you can view the time and date the email was opened by the customer.  Read More

To do this: Go to Settings > Email > Email Insights > Enable the option  Track the emails sent to your customers .

Adjust the address positioning in templates
When sending out an invoice via snail mail, the positioning of the address is important as it should be visible through the transparent sheet in an envelope cover. Taking this into consideration, we have now brought in the option to adjust the positioning of the shipping and billing address by a maximum of 30mm, so that it fits in your envelope perfectly. As of now we have supported this for three  Invoice templates only: Standard, Compact and Continental templates.

To do this: Go to Settings > Templates > Invoices > Edit a template (Standard, Compact or Continental) > Header > Change Position > Enter the dimensions.

Accept or decline estimate using the public link
We've made accepting estimates easier for one-time customers who do not have Client Portal enabled. Your customers can now accept or decline an estimate sent to them, right from the estimate link shared with them.  Read More

To do this: Go to Settings > Preferences > Estimates > Tick the box  Allow customers to accept or decline the estimates via the public link .

Pay off all the outstanding invoices
The easier the payment method is, higher are the chances of receiving payments faster. We've now provided an option to let your customers make bulk invoice payments. Your customers can pay the total outstanding payment of all their pending invoices (which supports online payments) through the public link.  Read More

Configure additional options for SMS payment reminder
In addition to sending out automated payment reminder messages to customers, you can now choose to send a manual payment reminder SMS for a particular invoice too. Also, if you have multiple contact persons, you can select the ones who should be notified via SMS.

To do this: Select an Invoice > More > Notify via SMS > Choose  Payment Reminder  and select the contact persons.

Link projects in expense bulk add page
Save time and link the project corresponding to each expense, when you bulk add the expenses. With the increase in the number of columns, we've also provided the option to customize the columns according to your needs. These customized columns will be retained as long as the page is not reloaded.

To do this: Go to Expenses > + New > Bulk Add Expenses > Link projects to each expense.

Configure item import overwrite option

When importing data, you might come across a few duplicate records. If you're importing items and you face duplicate records, you can now choose the field ( Item ID  or  Item Name ) based on which these records should be overwritten. This option can not only be useful for overwriting, but also to update the Item Name in bulk by mapping the items with Item ID.  Read More


Assign a currency name
There are countries that have the same currency name. For example, the currency for both the US and Australia is the Dollar. To differentiate between them, you can now append the country name to the currency name. This currency name will be displayed in the Amount in Words field of each transaction. 

To do so: Go to Settings > Currencies > Select the currency to be edited > Update the Currency Name.


That's not all, you can view the full list of updates in our what's new page and release notes. Try these features and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below. We'll be back next month with a bunch of fresh updates. 


The Zoho Invoice Team

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