when doing "Integration" with CRM in Survey I am not getting Lastname or Email as possible fields preventing complete&save

when doing "Integration" with CRM in Survey I am not getting Lastname or Email as possible fields preventing complete&save

 when doing "Integration" with CRM in Survey I am not getting Lastname or Email as possible fields
As per doc within Survey:
"Map all the fields to the respective Survey questions. 
For example map the field "Sales Rep's Communication" to the question "How do you like our sales rep's communication skills?"

but I see only my Questions fields, which maps OK with CRM fields which I have created.

How should i get Lastname or Email fields which are mandatory fields  to allow me to complete & save the integration ?

Currently my Surveys are being sent with Zoho Camapaigns and work fine.

A priori I have all necessary package/rights but did not subscribe to CRM Plus.
