Where are the notes stored on the android app?

Where are the notes stored on the android app?

I ask because, due to the recent update, on startup Notebook hangs and doesn't actually run.

It displays a white screen for about 10 seconds, followed by a black screen for about 17 seconds then says:

Notebook isn't responding. Do you want to close it?
Wait, Report and OK are the only options.

Wait and OK sends the app to the background with nothing displaying.

Report let's me submit a report but the app then disappears into the background with again nothing displaying.

I am loathe to uninstall and reinstall as I may lose my notes (of which there are many).

If I could be certain of a backup of these notes, I would uninstall it and reinstall as, when it works, it works very well.

So where are they stored on an android device please?
Thank you.

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