Where is the (Bulk) Notes Export function from Notebook ???????

Where is the (Bulk) Notes Export function from Notebook ???????

I have seen various threads over the last two years on this and basically no action from ZOHO at all !

BTW having to go to an individual note and export to PDF (which now doesn't even work ) or some sort of zoho format is by no means the answer !

I still can't see any sort of bulk (or even individual) export function across notes. This is really poor for a notes product that is nearly 4 years old from a "major vendor".  I now have a large number of notes (some with images) that I want to export and there appears to be no individual (that's useful) or bulk export at all ???? This is an appalling lack of functionality and just seems designed to lock your users in ..reminds me of Microsoft in the 90's ... and that didn't go well did it. 

Com'on ZOHO , (wo)man up and fix it !!!! 

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