Where is Zoho's integrity? - Phone Support Is Not Actually Available.

Where is Zoho's integrity? - Phone Support Is Not Actually Available.

I am evaluating Zoho products, including Zoho Expense for use by my corporation. Thus far my experience with Zoho support has been quite impressive. When it comes to Zoho Expense that is not the case.

I have a few questions and have called multiple times in the last several days. Each time the system attempts to connect me to Zoho Expense support I am disconnected. I initially thought this was a temporary issue. Reviewing previous support quarries it is evident that this is an ongoing issue that is be ignored.


Instead of giving the impression that Zoho Expense offers phone support, just say that this is no longer offered, as it is evident that that phone support is not available nor has it been for at least two months. The replies from Customer Support to each of the posts listed above also lack accuracy. 

A true and accurate reply to this issue that clearly many are having is imperative in making a decision as to whether or not Zoho is the company for us.

Integrity matters.