I've subscribed to Zoho One twice now, last time I only stayed for a month due extremely poor levels of support (one issue took over a month to resolve, even though it was a 5 minute job [at most]).
I am also rather stunned in regard to some of the limits for products that you include such as SalesIQ visitor tracking. The visitor tracking limits are no better than the FREE offering for a single Zoho ONE user, that being 5K, but even your Basic SalesIQ offering offers 50K visitor tracking. This is ridiculous, as you claim to offer the Enterprise version of SalesIQ in Zoho ONE and then offer very limited tracking that you offer for free, why?
And yes, I know I can buy an add-on, but the price you are asking for the add-on is ridiculously high, and therefore not a viable option.
Why isn't the SalesIQ visitor tracking limit at least 50k per Zoho ONE user?
This would be more valuable and realistic for small (one-man) businesses that are quite frankly struggling right now due to the impact on Covid-19 on many sectors/industries and sole traders. It would also probably increase your customer base significantly if you did this.
This is just one example of the limitations that you enforce with a number of the applications that you include with Zoho ONE where you state they are Enterprise or Pro level versions, but then the limits are seriously reduced making them almost unfit for purpose without paying huge sums for add-ons (which shouldn't be needed if you actually delivered the functionality that should be in the Enterprise/Pro levels of the products).
No doubt this will either garner a useless and/or trite response, or even get deleted, but I have tried to get your support team to look into this and I got a response that was talking about a different product that I didn't even ask about. This just shows the lack of interest and the poor quality of support offered (again).
You have some really good and promising apps, but your company is seriously let down by lacklustre (at best) and at worst non-existent or rude support.