Why did Zoho integrate with Tableau, as this is not best suited to survey analysis?

Why did Zoho integrate with Tableau, as this is not best suited to survey analysis?

Why did Zoho integrate with Tableau, as this is not best suited to survey analysis? It seems more suited to BI than survey analysis. Stastistical analysis of survey data requires very specific capabilities, such as significant difference calculations for proportions and means across cross-tab columns, banners, ability to handle multiple responses, RIM weighting etc.

Far better options would be for example:

For marketing research / consumer insight survey analysis: The Survey System, Q research, Marketsight, Uncle, Wincross, Mtab, Merlin, Snap etc.

For social science surveys: SPSS, PSPP (the open source clone of SPSS) and R (e.g. the packages in R).