Why do i have to use my google account

Why do i have to use my google account

I read the terms and conditions.   five times.
I read the privacy policies for California, the UK, and the GLOBE.

Still just wouldn't let me check that box until MAGICALLY IF I SIGNED UP WITH GOOGLE.........  

DID you Know ?  that when you use "sign up with _____"   .... Zoho doesn't make you read the agreements or policies?

Watch, they will inevitably reply to this message with a question such as, "what browser are you using?"  "do you have pop up blocker?"  or because they are,  (and this is true) dumb as fcuk, "what platform were you using?"....

That being said, i really like the app please unlink my google account and let me re-sign up... because I read your privacy policies and terms and conditions.  They are so bad for humans that even, (Mark "let's cause mass genocide" Zuckerberg" )was f like (and this is true...)"whoa WTF  Zoho is LOCO" .. and then another girl broke up with him.   now earth is going to be scorched.... your fault ZoHo? 

your fault. 

Thank you,

Eric H


Also i am having trouble opening the panel for the notes.  just forget it i'll watch another video.

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