Work Orders / Bundle Requests

Work Orders / Bundle Requests

Zoho Inventory needs a work order / bundle request system.

This record would be analogous to a purchase order in the purchasing workflow or a sales order in the sales cycle. It would be non-journaling, but it would reserve the appropriate inventory of raw materials (associate items) as committed stock and mark the yet-to-be-bundled composite item as Ordered.

When the work order / bundle order is completed, the bundles would be recorded as being made, and any tentative statuses (ordered, committed) would be removed. I would think, just like receiving items on a purchase order, this could be done on a line item basis.

The use cases here are plentiful. There are many businesses that bundle to order. Others may have a long, complicated build process that would require keeping close track of committed stock. Yet other companies could use this to automate keeping certain inventory levels of composite items.