Bug: WYSIWYG editor: Selection handles and resize control for images no longer available

Bug: WYSIWYG editor: Selection handles and resize control for images no longer available

Hi folks,

Some time in the last maybe month or two, it seems that the ability to resize an image after inserting it into a page has disappeared.

It used to be that after inserting an image into the WYSIWYG editor, you could later select it, resize handles would appear, and you could use those to resize it.

Now, when you select such an image, no handles appear, and consequently there's no GUI way to resize it. This is also inconvenient for moving the image. You can still move the image, but lack of selection handles mean you can't tell you have selected it.

There is a right-click > Image Properties dialog, but no fields for image size.

In addition, and perhaps related, the image insert code no longer places width and height attributes into the img tag. That is bad html practice, as it precludes browsers from properly flowing a page until images arrive.  It's also quite inconvenient, because in order to manually insert width and height into the html, we now have to actually research what size the image is.

So, I think this needs to be fixed. And as long as you are messing with this code, please put the width and height in a style attribute (style="width:123px;height:234px;), instead of as bare attributes. When placed as style attributes, for some reason when the page is presented in a browser and the user hovers the mouse over it, the browser offers the possibility of expanding the image -- very nice.

In other words, on the way to restoring broken functionality, you can actually score a very nice improvement.
